Checking the data quality is not a trivial job; it requires knowledge of both data modeling and the business domain. 检查数据质量并非是一项普通工作;它同时需要数据建模和商业领域的知识。
The Study on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction of Knowledge Workers; 知识型员工组织公平感与工作满意度关系研究二、情感冲突为派遣员工知觉最多的冲突类型。
With genuine emotions, get right on the job; with professional knowledge and skills, nurture the growth of each young tree. 用真情实感,真抓实干,真才实学,真知灼见去培育每一棵幼苗成长。
By the circle itself, based on its job knowledge plus the collective creativity of the members. 由圈中成员依其职业上的知识与大家集体的创造力制定出来。
Summary of the Structural Relationship among Job Knowledge, Professional Skills and Ability for Garment Major in Higher Vocational College 高职服装专业职业岗位知识、技能与能力结构关系综述
Knowledge of job elements means knowledge regarding materials, machinery, tools, processes, methods, and the necessary kinds of technologies concerning fabrication, assembly, machine settings, etc. 工作相关知识是指有关材料,机器,模具,流程,方法以及各种跟制造,装配,机器设置等等相关的知识。
Objective Research the affection of learning on job timely to knowledge results of pediatric students. 目的探讨临床课教学中课间见习对学习效果的影响。
Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas. 第三,求职者必须表现出自己的工作能力及技能和有关领域的知识。
Job Satisfaction of Knowledge Staffs in TCM Hospitals 中医医院知识型员工的工作满意度调研
Too much control: If our job is to transfer knowledge, then of course we'll want to control the learners to make sure they receive each and every bit of the transmission. 太多的控制(监控):如果我们的工作是传递知识,那么我们必然想要控制学习者以此来确定他们收到了每一个信息。
Doing most of the work to prepare a performance profile ahead of time demonstrates solid job knowledge and will earn you some potential partnership points. 事先花大量时间准备绩效概况,是证明你对工作的了解也会为你的团队合作加分。
To train-up local worker and improve job skill and knowledge. 对员工进行培训,提高他们工作技能及相关技术知识。
Empirical Study on the Job Performance of the Knowledge Process Project Member Based on Bounded Rationality 基于有限理性假设的知识型项目成员工作绩效实证研究
Psychological empowerment is significant variable which affects job performance of knowledge workers; 心理授权是影响知识员工工作绩效的重要变量;
Yet we are not doing a very good job harnessing our collective knowledge and experience on behalf of better medicine. 然而,我们在如何有效的利用和整合这些信息以提供更好的医疗服务方面,表现依然差强人意。
According to the job nature of knowledge management project managers, an assessment method for the quality of venture capital project managers is proposed. 依据知识管理项目经理的工作职责,提出了一种知识管理项目经理素质的评价方法。
Thus, motivating knowledge workers is the most important job in knowledge corporation. 因此,知识员工的激励问题就成为知识企业最重要的问题。
And the third one is that innovations in medical knowledge and technology are the goals of medical knowledge management and it is essential to do a good job of medical knowledge transformation and enhance patient care expertise. 医学知识创新和医学技术创新是医学知识管理的目标,其核心是要搞好医学知识转化与临床服务的技术。
Based on the characteristics of professional post corresponding to the course Plate Making of Garment Industry, this article constructs the system of job post knowledge and skill structure. 以《服装工业制板》课程所对应的职业岗位特点为基础,确定了该职业岗位知识与技能结构体系;
Second, educational knowledge is the fine arts teacher's job professional knowledge; 教育知识是美术教师的职业专业知识;
The study focused on the job environment factors on the basis of the previous research about knowledge innovation process. We discussed the relationship between job environment and knowledge innovation process. 本文在总结以往知识创新过程研究的基础上,对影响企业知识创新过程的工作环境因素进行了研究,探讨了企业知识创新过程与工作环境因素之间的关系。
Based on the relationship between job rotation and knowledge transfer, it explored how to manage the process of job rotation for knowledge transfer and discussed problems in implementing job rotation. 在讨论工作轮换和企业内部隐性知识转移之间关系的基础上,探讨了工作轮换的过程管理和实施过程中可能面临的问题。
Research on construct of career plateau and the relationship between it and job performance of knowledge employees 知识型员工的职业高原与绩效关系研究
This indicates that the job burnout rate of knowledge workers is very high. 这表明知识型员工的工作倦怠率是相当高的。
Hi-tech employees always possess high entrepreneurial qualities, owing to accumulation of job experience and knowledge. So their turnover and entrepreneurship should be an emphasis of our research. 高科技员工由于工作经验和相关知识的积累,往往具备较高的创业素质,其离职创业行为应该成为研究重点。
The job stress of knowledge employee overall is above average. Because the impact of moderating effect about organizational support, the overall level of job burnout was not high. 3. 服装产业知识型员工的工作压力总体为中等偏上,由于组织支持的调节效应的影响,工作倦怠总体程度并不高。
The core hypothesis is that there is a distinct positive correlation between QWL and job performance of knowledge workers. 本研究需要验证的核心假设为:企业知识型员工工作生活质量与工作绩效之间具有显著的正相关性。
The job satisfaction of knowledge workers makes positive effect on protecting resources of OCB and negative effect on intention to leave. 知识员工的工作满意度,对组织公民行为中的保护组织资源行为存在正向影响。
Existing research indicates that high level of job involvement of knowledge employees could promote value creation powerfully for enterprises, and bring more added values on innovation and originality. 已有研究表明知识型员工拥有较高的忠诚会在更大程度上促进企业的价值创造,在创新、创意等方面为企业带来更多的附加价值。
The conclusions are as follows: ( 1) Job satisfaction of knowledge workers in Guangzhou foreign banks is comprised of four factors: promotion satisfaction, pay satisfaction, staff satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction. 所得结论如下:(1)广州地区外资银行知识型员工工作满意度包含升迁满意度、薪酬满意度、同事满意度和主管满意度四维度结构,具有良好的信度和效度。